Tag Archives: healthy dog

What makes a dog healthy?

  Dogs are loyal and loving pets, no wonder their owners want to keep them [...]

What essential oils are good for animals? New Study Revealed

Wondering if using essential oils around animals is safe? University of Queensland researchers are investigating [...]

How do I get rid of my dogs bad breath at home?

  Many dog owners struggle with dogs bad breath because they want to love their [...]

Most Effective Strategies for preventing obesity in your pet

  This month was National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, and it seems as though the [...]

How cats and dogs can maintain oral hygiene?

  It is not just what a pet puts inside his or her mouth that [...]

How do I help my overweight dog? 5 tips you need to know

According to the latest veterinary surveys, over half dogs are overweight. No wonder Internet searches [...]

Top tips to keep your pets mentally and physically healthy

Some pets are absolutely loving their owners being home all the time. One dog even [...]

Top Things Your Dog Fur Tells About It’s Health

So how much can you tell about dog’s health by looking at its fur? The [...]

CBD oil benefits for cats and dogs

As a proud cat and dog owner, I can safely say that there isn’t a [...]

Pets Dental Care: Why is dental health important for pets?

Good oral health is just as important for dogs and cats as it is for [...]