Category Archives: Food


What happens when you drastically reduce salt intake? New Study Revealed

You might believe that when you grab the salt shaker and sprinkle some salt on [...]

Does a high BMI mean you’re unhealthy? New Research Revealed…

A person with a high BMI is typically thought to be overweight or obese and [...]

What mistakes do people make when trying to lose weight?

The road to weight loss can be treacherous. Even if you are exercising frequently, watching [...]

How can I control my PCOS naturally? 5 Top Tips to Follow

The symptoms of PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) cannot be treated, however they can be controlled. [...]

What is the healthiest cooking method and why?

  To successfully achieve the goal of being healthiest version of yourself, it is very [...]

Is gram flour good for weight loss? Unusual Weight Loss Recipes Revealed…

The underappreciated besan or gram flour helps you in weight loss while also lowering your [...]

What snacks are OK for weight loss? 3 fun healthy snacks ideas

The stage is ready for your favourite show to begin, all that’s missing are some [...]

What are mood boosters? Ways to lift mood fast…

For a reason, the phrase “you are what you eat” has become a cliché. Food [...]

What is the safest cookware for your health? 3 top picks…

While food refills our energy reserves, the cookware in which it is prepared and presented [...]

Can intermittent fasting be harmful? New Study Revealed…

Using intermittent fasting in the hopes of losing weight, could be harmful according to experts. [...]