Are you worried and stressed out about all that stuff going around the world?
There recently published a study on the effects of mindfulness practices that says mindfulness can help you deal with stress.
The research of mindfulness sessions was led for residents living in Housing communities, it explains how mindfulness can benefit anyone with an interest to try it.
Mindfulness is about being fully present and paying full attention to thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations as they occur in the present moment.
It is about being open to and focused on the present moment, being aware of where we are and what we’re doing and taking the time to act, and not to just react, to life situations.
Mindfulness” was defined by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the original developer of a mindfulness stress reduction program) as paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.
Who does mindfulness and meditation help the most?
Mindfulness meditation helps people with anxiety, stressful life events, unregulated emotional states and pain to become more in tune with their mind and body.
Most people can benefit from the practice.
It is for anyone who has the desire to work on themselves in this way.
What are the benefits of mindfulness practices?
Mindfulness meditation can improve the way we deal with stress by offering an easily accessible method to calm ourselves.
Through research, it has been shown to improve coping, lower cortisol levels, lower depression, regulate emotions and improve social relationships.
One can develop their mindfulness meditation abilities over time just by practice.
It can help people to live more intentionally, increase attention in the present moment and promote an attitude that is more nonjudgmental, curious and kind (what the world needs now).
Do you think doing mindfulness meditation regularly makes for a good lifestyle choice?
Yes, as it promotes calm and wellness, improving our mental outlook, and can increase enjoyment of our world.
It changes your frame of mind and opens up possibilities.
Doing mindfulness meditation will help you keep your inner peace.
How does someone get started in mindfulness practices—especially during a pandemic?
There are online interactive training sessions that you can take.
You can read about it, and there are online sites that offer mindfulness meditation scripts.
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