What foods reduce visceral fat?

HOW TO get rid of visceral fat: It’s well known that eating and maintaining a consistent, healthy diet can help you lose weight but which diet provides the greatest benefit?

Vying for the top title are a low-carb and low-fat diet but evidence suggests one is more effective than the other.

Visceral Fat Loss: Low-Carb Or Low-Fat?

Visceral fat, or commonly known as belly fat for many, is not just annoying to look at. It also poses some grave health risks since it tends to wrap itself around your abdomen and other vital organs.

It means that it can interfere with your important bodily processes over time.

Besides that, it’s also one of the known precursors to health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure/hypertension and heart disease.

Thankfully, there are ways to help avoid/reduce it, and it starts with eating a healthy, balanced diet.

But which is more effective anyway? A low-carb diet or a low-fat one?

Well, according to new research (which consisted of 20 randomized controlled studies), low-carb diets can help you lose weight two to three times more than low-fat diets.

In fact, this is even the case even when people who are in low-carb groups ate more than those in low-fat groups.

But how do you follow a low-carb diet? According to Diabetes Association, it’s by simply cutting down on the amount of carbohydrates that you eat on a daily basis to less than 130g a day.

To put this into context, a medium-sized slice of bread is about 15 to 20g of carbs, which is about the same as a regular apple.


On the other hand, a large jacket potato could have as much as 90g of carbs, as does one litre of orange juice.

As per what to eat, Diabetes Association recommends low-carb foods such as nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, lean meats, oils, apples, blueberries, strawberries, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables and unsweetened dairy products like plain Greek yogurt and plain whole milk.

When it comes to exercise, go for moderate intensity activities, such as water aerobics, riding a bike and brisk walking. Strength training may also help here and there, although spot exercises such as sit-ups won’t get rid of visceral fat.

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