Oiling of the hair not only provides nourishment, but is the best way to deal with dry and flaky scalp.
It is also an excellent pre-shampoo treatment and helps the natural distribution of oils along the hair shaft. The scalp is rich in oil-producing glands (sebaceous glands).
Oiling your hair regularly is the best hair care treatment to follow on a regular basis.
When should I oil my hair?
Changing into PJs and warming some oil for that nice feeling is not only refreshing but it also calms your mind.
It strengthens your hair strands and provides the much-needed nourishment to your hair.
While hair oiling seems like an easy option, there are many things that one needs to keep in mind.
Here’s what you must know before oiling your hair:
Which oil massage is effective- warm or normal?
Warm oil massage is more effective since it increases the blood circulation in the scalp allowing it to absorb the oil better. However, make sure that the oil isn’t too hot or you can burn your scalp.
Which is the best oil for hair?
When it comes to hair oil, there are a plethora of options to choose from. But the best oil for your hair is coconut oil since it’s the only oil proven to be easily absorbed by hair strands.
Can oiling help with grey hair?
When it comes to grey hair, it has not been proven that oiling can control it. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Remember, a healthy hair routine goes a long way in improving a lot of hair ills.
How many times or hours should you oil your hair?
You should consider oiling your hair not more than once or twice a week. After applying the oil, leave it for an hour or two. When you leave the oil on too long, you don’t add any benefit to it.
Does the oiling routine differ for men and women?
Oiling methods for men and women are similar – there is no difference. The only thing is that men may need more oiling because they typically have more hair than women.
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